Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tired All The Time

So being pregnant, I've noticed that I can do absolutely nothing, and still be completely exhausted by about 9:30pm. Then I have a hard time getting to sleep, even if I don't take a nap, but then I sleep until about 12:30pm. So I'm sleeping, its just my sleep is off. Maybe its because I haven't had to work? Which that really needs to change, but right now we only have one vehicle working anyway. My dads truck has bad breaks that are getting fixed Friday.

But its only Tuesday. In 16 days, my family leaves for vacation, and I get the house to myself! Of course I have the dogs with me, but its going to be soooo nice having some peace and quiet for a change. I love my family, but they have a tendency of getting on my nerves. Not so much my dad, but then again he works most of the time. But my mom and my brother. My brother.. that's a sibling thing. Hes annoying, plain and simple.

My mom.. we clash. Sometimes REALLY bad. Actually the other day my mom and I got into it. After about two weeks of being here in Florida, we were already screaming at each other. Or maybe it was just me yelling at her. I hate that she doesn't give my wonderful fiance even a chance. She keeps bringing up the bad, but wont give him a chance to prove that hes trying. She wont just TRY. My dad at least is willing to give him a chance. But my mom is the one that said we wouldn't fight when I got here. That we had grown up, and changed. Well apparently we haven't changed to much if we've already fought.

I really don't have anything else to say.. Just wanted to drop in and say hi.. So.. HI!

Lots of Love,

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