My beautiful baby girl is almost 6 months old! Can you believe it? My life has been so crazy that I haven't been able to post anything, but now I'm suddenly finding the time.
So what have I been up to you ask? Well a lot. Cassandra came ON her due date, which is actually a funny story. I went to my doctors appointment that morning as planned, and was waiting for them to come and check me. I had been contracting all morning, but I didn't think anything of it since it wasn't that painful. When they told me to lean back so they could check, she looked at me and asked me if my water had broken yet. I told her no, and she laughed saying it just did! So we cleaned up the mess and my mom and Graham took me to the hospital. I dilated completely on my own, I was at 10cms within maybe 4 hours. Did two hours of practice pushing and then three hours of hard pushing. But Cassie did not want to come out! So the doctor came in and asked me if I wanted to have a csection or keep pushing another few hours and then possibly have one anyway. I was so beyond done at that point that I just opted for the csection. She was 8lbs 2ounces, and beautiful. :) She was jaundice for about a day (she was under the billi lights), and then after about three days, we went home from the hospital.
The first month or two was really difficult. Adjusting to her, letting her adjust to being on the outside and needing to eat regularly instead of instantly getting her food from mommy. There were many sleepless nights, but it was all worth it. Now she is going on six months old and she is wonderfully healthy. She is already sitting up on her own (a month early), shes a very happy baby, with lots of smiles to give. I couldn't imagine my life without her. :)
Graham and I? We're doing alright. We have our ups and downs, but we're together and thats all that matters. We still haven't been able to find jobs, but we're working on it. We have our fights, but I would rather be fighting and in the same house, than be happy and in different states. At least with him here I can curl up with him at night and know that hes not going anywhere. That hes really here to stay. I do have to work on my insecurities, but he hasn't given up on me yet. Thank god.
Theres more I could say, but I can't think of what all there is right now. My mind is so consumed wondering if shes waking up from her nap or if I'm hearing things lol.
I'll try to write soon, but I can't make any promises. Little miss takes up a lot of my time. :)
Lots of Love,