Well I had another ultrasound on Friday, and found out the sex of the baby. :) We have a beautiful little girl on the way!! She was fast asleep during the whole ultrasound lol. Sucking her thumb, not wanting to move. She was comfortable, and thats how she was going to stay! It took us a half hour just to get everything she needed to find out. I got to see the heart, the heart beat was at 156 (which is good, normal for this little one), her little hands and toes, cute little nose.. Shes beautiful. <3 Graham and I have a beautiful little daughter, our Cassandra Anne. <3 We're so excited.

The ultrasound tech was kind of laughing, trying to get Cassie to move. She wiggled the little wand thing around on my belly trying to make her uncomfortable, but that didn't work. After a while, she told me to roll onto my side facing her, so I did. That didn't help. So then she had me press on my side a bit, again trying to make her uncomfortable enough to move. That didn't work. So she had me go back to my back, and tried again. Still nothing! lol So I went to my other side, and my mom and dad were poking my stomach lol. It worked a little, after I moved back to my back again. She shifted just enough to get the rest of what was needed. :) She's absolutely beautiful.

The whole time I was fighting tears. It was an amazing thing to see, and I was really wishing Graham could have been there with me for that amazing moment. I know that if he would have been there, he would have been right at my side, holding my hand, fighting tears himself. I can't wait to hold our little girl in our arms. <3 I'm still due December 27th, but I kind of think it would be cool if she was born on the 28th, because that night its a full moon. :) I know that's a lame reason, but still lol. As long as she is born in 2012, healthy and well, I'm one happy momma!
I can't believe I'm having a little girl <3
Lots of Love,